ALL Pianos no matter how well made need to be tuned at least once a year. Some older Pianos or Pianos with structural issues may need more frequent tuning. Tune your Piano at least once a year with PIANOMANSAINT and your rate will NEVER increase!


  • Pianos are mostly made of Wood and Metal and wood will expand or contract when humidity goes up or down. This will change the pressure on the strings and makes the strings go sharp or flat. Also, over time strings will stretch and cause the strings to go flat. Tuning your Piano once a Year will ensure the Piano always sounds good. Wait too long and the Piano starts to sound off.

  • Every year that a Piano is not tuned the tension on the strings gets less and less over time and if enough years go by without a tuning the pitch will fall so low that a regular tuning will not be enough. A Pitch Raise is basically tuning the Piano twice at one sitting to bring back up to pitch. If the Pitch falls too low and the Piano is older, I recommend bringing pitch up slowly over time to avoid breaking any strings.

  • When a Piano is not tuned for years, and an attempt is made to bring the Pitch up its possible that strings may break. If we see that the Piano is older, and strings may be slightly corroded we advise against the raise. Strings however may break at any time on any Piano, even on a newer Piano. It Happens. Cost of broken stings is the responsibility of the Piano owner.